Program Updates
Faith Formation Experiences
Daily Prayer
Christian Education
Weekly paralitrugy
Monthly Mass
Living Rosary
Stations of the Cross
Annual Marian Retreat
Sacramental Preparation
About the Faith Formation Program
Christ is at the center of who we are and all we do st Star of the Sea.
Our Catholic faith and worldview permeate all subjects and learning, not just Christian Education classes.
Students are invited to develop a personal relationship with Jesus through prayer, scripture, service, liturgy, and sacraments.
“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven”
Christian living and service go hand-in-hand. Our love for Jesus compels us to serve God and others.
Star students serve our local and global communities in a variety of ways including:
Foodbank collection
Environmental stewardship
Fundraising for Chalice Child Sponsorship Program
Clothing drives
Seniors outreach
Student-designed service projects and more