Resources for Building Your Family in Faith

Families and Friends of Star of the Sea School,

I would like to direct your attention to two great resources for building up faith in yourself and your family.

1) Bishop Robert Barron always gives thoughtful and engaging Catholic responses to contemporary topics. In the video Bishop Barron on Not Dumbing Down the Faith, he answers the 3 questions most young people ask him: 1) Is there a God? 2) How can a good God allow suffering? and 3) How do you know Christianity is the right religion?

I have watched this video myself with my teenagers. It was highly engaging and sparked good conversations. I encourage you to check it out.

2) Our own Star of the Sea Knight of Columbus are hosting an online program that will challenge and strengthen the men of our parish. A powerful quote from one father in the trailer was, “The devil is trying to destroy my family. He’s gonna have to go through me first.”

Below is the video trailer as well as the information to sign up.

Into the Breach.jpg

May God bless and protect you and your families.


Mr. Jason Borkowski
